CSA Newsletter Week 3, June 6th

Farm Happenings

This week on the farm feels like a whirlwind with the rain seemingly every other day, making soil conditions for field work… interesting. But we persevere 😉 Lots of things got transplanted this week, winter squash, more tomatoes, watermelon etc.

In other news, if you referred someone to the CSA and they signed up, and you HAVENT received your jar of honey yet, email us (uk.csa@uky.edu).

You-Pick perennials, herbs and berries are open! Check out your member guide for Saturday dates! As for ettiquette, we do ask that you harvest no more than a pint or quart per household of a given item (green beans, berries, cherry tomatoes etc). Please bring your own containers, and tools for harvesting.

CSA Share this week:

  • Bok Choi
  • Lettuce head
  • Radish
  • Kohlrabi OR Rhubarb
  • Spinach OR Green Onions
  • Chard OR Arugula

Farm Stand this week:

  • Beets $4
  • Bok Choi $4
  • Broccoli $3
  • Carrots $4/bunch
  • Chard $4
  • Cilantro/Dill bunch $2
  • French Breakfast Radish $4/lb
  • Garlic Scapes $2
  • Green onions $3
  • Hakurei $4
  • Kale $4
  • Kohlrabi $1
  • Lettuce Head, Romaine $4
  • Popcorn $1/ear
  • Powders $6ea
  • Radish, French Radish $3
  • Rutabaga $1.50/lb
  • Spinach $6
  • Sweet Potatoes $2.50/lb
  • Yellow Squash $1
  • Zucchini $1.50

Recipes for this weeks share:

  • Fun little thing to try that we are doing for farm lunch today is veggie pot stickers with wonton wrappers – we are using farm carrots, green onions, and zucchini.
  • You are still getting a decent amount of greens this week – all of which are perfect for a stir fry or a big ole salad!
  • For Kohlrabi + Radish, they are most commonly eaten raw. Many on the farm recommend the Kohlrabi sliced thin and dipped in hummus.
  • If you choose rhubarb instead of kohlrabi, and you’re not big on baking, Kristis favorite way to use it in a salsa! Rhubarb Salsa

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